Wo Hop Shek Columbarium

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DLN Architects


Wo Hop Shek, Hong Kong

All drawings, images and photography are property of DLN Architects


This project involves building two new government-owned columbariums adjacent to the existing crematorium and columbariums in Wo Hop Shek. The concept comes from the cloud. As Chinese believe, life itself is a cycle, similar to different states of cloud. The building itself is a vessel of clouds, which transcend souls into their next life. Canopies and cantilevered structures are featured in this building to mimic the ever-changing nature of cloud. I participated in the detailed design stage of this project and in charge of project coordination, including attending clients’ and consultants’ meeting, preparing minutes and responding to comments, hoarding plans; material selection, including contacting suppliers, preparing material schedule; detailed design such as niche detail, railing detail, office furniture layout and concourse lighting design etc and physical modeling. The project is currently in tender stage, my duties include assists tendering process and documentation. This project was completed in 2020.